What I offer

Business Systems Consulting Services

Are you famil­i­ar with enter­prise archi­tec­ture? I can be your enter­prise archi­tect. I have 30 years of exper­i­ence in busi­ness ana­lys­is, sys­tem design, ERP i CRM imple­ment­a­tion super­vising. I offer:

  • busi­ness pro­cess map­ping and modelling
  • soft­ware require­ments gathering
  • sys­tem integ­ra­tion mod­el­ling and mapping
  • data and busi­ness logic modelling
  • doc­u­ment­ing all of the above with BPMN, UML
  • super­vising any soft­ware devel­op­ment and imple­ment­a­tion process

You have come to the right address. I’ve been ana­lys­ing com­pan­ies, design­ing their sys­tems and over­see­ing their growth for 30 years. I have worked for small com­pan­ies and large corporations.

I’m a solution designer

I am an inform­a­tion and sys­tems engin­eer. I can over­see an ERP implementation.

As a solu­tions design­er, I fill this gap in projects.

Are you plan­ning to imple­ment new soft­ware and afraid of trouble? I will help pre­pare your com­pany and help super­vise the supplier.

Sup­pose you are strug­gling with pre­par­ing for a digit­al trans­form­a­tion, imple­ment­ing an ERP, devel­op­ing require­ments for soft­ware ded­ic­ated to you, or maybe you need pro­fes­sion­al tech­nic­al doc­u­ment­a­tion (see unsuc­cess­ful ERP imple­ment­a­tions).

Your require­ments and my skills mean bet­ter soft­ware from a soft­ware pro­vider for you. 

I’m a per­son who can help you suc­ceed in your busi­ness soft­ware implementation.

I’m Business Analyst and Business Process Expert

Do you want to improve your com­pany by ana­lys­ing and improv­ing your busi­ness pro­cesses to make them more efficient?

In that case, I am the per­son you are look­ing for. I have 30 years of exper­i­ence in prac­tic­al pro­jects and am con­stantly gain­ing know­ledge as a uni­ver­sity lecturer. 

You can hire me for:

  1. Pro­cess & Soft­ware Documentation
  2. Busi­ness Pro­cess Optimisation.
  3. Soft­ware require­ments for ERP off the shelf and ded­ic­ated add-ons.
  4. Soft­ware archi­tec­ture design and applic­a­tion integration.
  5. Teach­ing and sup­port (ment­or­ing) your team of soft­ware engin­eers, ana­lysts and design­ers: train­ing, lec­tures and ment­or­ing (busi­ness ana­lys­is and soft­ware design, BMM, BPMN, UML, SBVR nota­tions, design pat­terns and best practices)

I work remotely and on-site. Need to talk about it? You can meet me at my office: 214 Uni­on Str. Aber­deen, more on the Con­tact page). 

I am the man to help you prepare your company for digitisation

People say: we have fail­ures in IT pro­jects because we are: “Cus­tom­ers that don’t know what they want. Require­ments that can­’t be found. Tests that can­’t be defined. Pro­gram­mers who don’t have meth­od­o­lo­gic­al dis­cip­line. Pro­ject man­agers who are cer­ti­fied but can­’t man­age.” This is to say: that they all need a design­er before coding.

I’m a design­er, and I can: 

  1. Ana­lyze your organ­iz­a­tion: busi­ness pro­cesses and pro­ced­ures to under­stand how your busi­ness works.
  2. Try to find all the places where you can improve your oper­a­tions and their efficiency.
  3. Design more effi­cient “to-be” pro­cesses and procedures.
  4. Put it all togeth­er and pre­pare require­ments and archi­tec­ture for ERP software. 
  5. Pre­pare a migra­tion and iter­at­ive imple­ment­a­tion plan.
  6. Choose the right soft­ware pro­vider and start your smooth new sys­tem implementation.


  1. Busi­ness ana­lys­is and busi­ness pro­cess mod­el­ling with BPMN notation.
  2. Sys­tems ana­lys­is and mod­el­ling with UML and SysML notation.
  3. Ana­lys­is and trans­ition from ser story to sys­tem require­ments mod­el (SysML) and sys­tem use case mod­el (UML).


Where and how? I work loc­ally in Aber­deen and remotely around the world. I accept assign­ments on a task-by-task basis.

My pay rate (Eng­lish is my second lan­guage): the stand­ard rate: is £500/day or £75/h (con­tract), ad-hoc work: £95/h. All-day group work­shop: £700/day (8h with breaks). Pay for Access retain­er pre­ferred: £50/h (so far, a typ­ic­al con­tract is between 8 and 40 hours per month).

Keywords: Enter­prise Archi­tect, Busi­ness Ana­lyst, Design Author­ity, Solu­tion Design­er, Solu­tions Architect.
