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Uncat­egor­ised gen­er­al posts.


PIM modelling ‑Reduction of UML notation

The work is an attempt to sys­tem­at­ise the use of key nota­tions in the pro­cess of sys­tem ana­lys­is and design. Under the term. and UML of know­ledge in the field of object-ori­ented ana­lys­is and design and the nota­tion sys­tems used in this area. The author pays spe­cial atten­tion to the dif­fer­ences between data-and respons­ib­il­ity-ori­ented design meth­ods (chapter Ana­lys­is and object-ori­ented design). The fol­low­ing sec­tion describes the con­cep­tu­al basis described in the SBVR, MOF, MDA spe­cific­a­tions and the mod­el­ling meth­od using UML nota­tion. The author argues that onto­logy is not a mod­el of the world, it only describes it.

Read art­icle…

What is Computation Independent Model

1.A Com­pu­ta­tion Inde­pend­ent Mod­el (CIM) is a mod­el defined with­in OMG Mod­el-Driv­en Archi­tec­ture as a primary mod­el. This mod­el reflects sys­tem and soft­ware know­ledge from the busi­ness per­spect­ive. The CIM may con­tain busi­ness know­ledge about sys­tem organ­iz­a­tion, roles, func­tions, pro­cesses and activ­it­ies, doc­u­ment­a­tion, con­straints etc. The CIM must con­tain busi­ness require­ments for the soft­ware system.

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Systems analysis and design

Many time we heard about agile in soft­ware devel­op­ment. Many times authors wrote that agile provide us to fast and cheapest solu­tions. It is true but not all the times. Chaos Report (see Standish Group) show us, that is not true all the times.

Few comments…

Gen­er­ally small pro­jects are not a (big) problem..


Water­fall vs. agile: first one meth­od con­sume many more time than second one, but we have no time to «big ana­lys­is». Second one mean «work­ing too fast», and effect is more pro­to­typ­ing mean cost increas­ing… many time mean: can­cel pro­ject before fin­ish caused by budget:


A water­fall is not a solu­tion, but agile is not a good rem­edy for it. A com­mon prob­lem in soft­ware design is sys­tem size and complexity:


How to improve qual­ity and chance to suc­ceed soft­ware pro­ject? We need really good per­son to busi­ness ana­lys­is role and only one. More than one per­son in a first stage, mean more prob­lem with mer­ging parts to one com­pleted and unam­bigu­ous require­ments doc­u­ment :


Dis­cip­lined agile, what is it? Using mod­els in agile, why and for what? Mod­ern sys­tem ana­lys­is and design is not a water­fall and not a agile style? It is sci­ence meth­od used for soft­ware engin­eer­ing . Dis­cov­er the MDA and pat­terns as a wand for your suc­cess in soft­ware pro­jects. See the sys­tem as a archi­tec­ture .

More about gen­er­al sys­tems and SysML nota­tion com­ing soon ?

Try my courses for improve your skills and your team­mates, hire me as a gif­ted per­son in your project.


Kurt Bittner. (2011). Use-Case 2.0: Scal­ing up, scal­ing out, scal­ing in for agile pro­jects.
Lar­man, C. (2005). Apply­ing UML and pat­terns: an intro­duc­tion to object-ori­ented ana­lys­is and design and iter­at­ive devel­op­ment (3rd ed). Pren­tice Hall PTR, c2005.
Shar­baf, M., Zamani, B., & Sun­yé, G. (2020, Octo­ber). A Form­al­ism for Spe­cify­ing Mod­el Mer­ging Con­flicts. Sys­tem Ana­lys­is and Mod­el­ling (SAM) Con­fer­ence.
Gra­ics, B., Mol­nár, V., Vörös, A., Majzik, I., & Var­ró, D. (2020). Mixed-semantics com­pos­i­tion of stat­e­charts for the com­pon­ent-based design of react­ive sys­tems. Soft­ware and Sys­tems Mod­el­ing.–00806‑5
Gha­ra­jed­aghi, J. (2011). Sys­tems think­ing: man­aging chaos and com­plex­ity: a plat­form for design­ing busi­ness archi­tec­ture (Third Edi­tion). Elsevi­er Inc.
Evans, E. (2014). Domain-driv­en design: tack­ling com­plex­ity in the heart of soft­ware. Addis­on-Wes­ley.
Fowl­er, M. (1997). Ana­lys­is pat­terns: reusable object mod­els. Addis­on Wesley.
Ambler, S. W. (2002). Agile mod­el­ing. John Wiley & Sons.
Gar­cía Díaz, V., Cueva Lov­elle, J. M., Pelayo Gar­cía-Buste­lo, B. C., & San­juán Martínez, O. (Eds.). (2014). Advances and applic­a­tions in mod­el-driv­en engin­eer­ing. Inform­a­tion Sci­ence Reference.

New era

First and short post. After six years vis­it­ing Scot­land to vis­it tour­ist attrac­tions, spend­ing time on folk fest­ivals and tra­di­tion­al music ses­sions in pubs (I play whistle), now it’s time to start liv­ing in Scot­land. It means I have to move and con­tin­ue my busi­ness activ­it­ies here. What is my busi­ness? I’m ana­lyst and sys­tem design­er, provid­ing busi­ness ana­lys­is, busi­ness logic and soft­ware design, sys­tems archi­tec­ture design. Research­er and lec­turer as well. 

Wish me luck… try me for free…