February, 2022

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SysML – a few words about

In this place, I have been col­lect­ing some speaks about the SysML lan­guage. It is ori­gin from UML (it is a UML pro­file). SysML is the main MBSE meth­od we use for doc­u­ment­ing mechat­ron­ics models. 

Who needs Mod­el Based Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing (MBSE) in 6 minutes
Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing Your MBSE Deploy­ment by Dav­id Long
SysML ?AND? Its Role and Place in Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing with Zane Scott
Intro­duc­tion to Sys­tems Mod­el­ing Lan­guage (SysML)
The Four Pil­lars of SysML