February, 2024

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Architecture & Systems Engineering

I highly recom­mend the MIT Archi­tec­ture & Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing course. it is pre­cious know­ledge and an increas­ingly pop­u­lar skill: the ana­lys­is and design of com­plex, inter­dis­cip­lin­ary systems.

Enroll in MIT’s Archi­tec­ture & Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing Online Pro­gram and learn from MIT fac­ulty and industry experts. Explore the new­est prac­tices in sys­tems engin­eer­ing, includ­ing how mod­els can enhance sys­tem engin­eer­ing func­tions and how sys­tems engin­eer­ing tasks can be aug­men­ted with quant­it­at­ive analysis.

Source: Enroll in MIT’s Archi­tec­ture & Sys­tems Engin­eer­ing Online Program

If you are look­ing for loc­al per­son­al ment­or­ing, I am an exper­i­enced MBSE expert, please ask for details.