Communication and work in project

Vir­tu­al com­mu­nic­a­tion and facil­it­a­tion skills will remain a key com­pet­ency for BAs for years to come. Stop tor­tur­ing your stake­hold­ers with bor­ing, inef­fect­ive con­fer­ence calls. Find new and cre­at­ive ways to alle­vi­ate the com­mon pain points. Please share your vir­tu­al facil­it­a­tion tips in the com­ments below! (Busi­ness Ana­lyst | Vir­tu­al Require­ments Meet­ings: Pain­ful or Prac­tic­al?).

I per­form all activ­it­ies remotely. Busi­ness ana­lys­is and require­ments acquis­i­tion is sim­il­ar to invest­ig­a­tion: evid­ence gath­er­ing, ana­lys­is, busi­ness mod­el pre­par­a­tion (busi­ness pro­cesses, inform­a­tion archi­tec­ture, cases, pro­ced­ures, soft­ware archi­tec­ture, etc.). The inputs I need are col­lec­ted doc­u­ments and writ­ten descrip­tions. My products are: Busi­ness ana­lys­is report includ­ing busi­ness pro­cess mod­els, pro­ject scope defin­i­tion, soft­ware require­ments. From the moment of start­ing the pro­ject, my task is super­vise the con­tract­or’s work.

Remote meet­ings and tele­con­fer­ences are also possible. 

I use Visu­al Paradigm soft­ware for all work, espe­cially to design and communication. 

Manu­al for review­ers: Post­mania.