ICONIX as an object-oriented, agile software design process using UML notation

The fact that ICONIX, as a pro­cess, is rel­at­ively rarely used (this has been chan­ging over the last few years, how­ever), is rooted in the fact that, first and fore­most, it requires an under­stand­ing of the com­pon­ent-ori­ented archi­tec­ture pro­cess, it also requires know­ledge and under­stand­ing of the concept of hexagon­al archi­tec­ture and the asso­ci­ated MVC pat­tern. Requires know­ledge and under­stand­ing of many oth­er object-ori­ented design pat­terns, requires, above all, abstract think­ing and mod­el­ling (UML) skills. It requires an under­stand­ing that z cod­ing must be pre­ceded by design, because «design­ing» in code is the least effect­ive form of design (Bör­ger, 2018).The pro­cess is also sup­por­ted by the divi­sion into ana­lys­is and design and imple­ment­a­tion stages (see above dia­gram: Struc­ture of pro­ject roles and products in the ICONIX pro­cess). ICONIX is some­times wrongly asso­ci­ated with a “heavy” soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­cess such as the Ration­al Uni­fied Pro­cess (which I have hardly writ­ten about on my blog). The reas­on ICONIX is rarely used, is also that, unfor­tu­nately, the world was, already in the 1990s, heav­ily “spoiled” by C++ and Java (archi­tec­tures built on cas­cades of inher­it­ance). These are often heavy, mono­lith­ic frame­works based on a rela­tion­al data mod­el, where there is no strict sep­ar­a­tion between domain logic and envir­on­ment (MVC). Java is still one of the most costly and least effect­ive applic­a­tion devel­op­ment meth­ods. The EJB frame­work is to this day described as the source of an object-ori­ented design anti-pat­tern called the «anem­ic domain mod­el». How­ever, the grow­ing developer interest in the C4 mod­el over the last few years shows that ana­lys­is and mod­el­ling are needed and quietly enter­ing through the back door….The fact that ICONIX, as a pro­cess, is rel­at­ively rarely used (this has been chan­ging over the last few years, how­ever), is rooted in the fact that, first and fore­most, it requires an under­stand­ing of the com­pon­ent-ori­ented archi­tec­ture pro­cess, it also requires know­ledge and under­stand­ing of the concept of hexagon­al archi­tec­ture and the asso­ci­ated MVC pat­tern. Requires know­ledge and under­stand­ing of many oth­er object-ori­ented design pat­terns, requires, above all, abstract think­ing and mod­el­ling (UML) skills. It requires an under­stand­ing that z cod­ing must be pre­ceded by design, because «design­ing» in code is the least effect­ive form of design (Bör­ger, 2018).The pro­cess is also sup­por­ted by the divi­sion into ana­lys­is and design and imple­ment­a­tion stages (see above dia­gram: Struc­ture of pro­ject roles and products in the ICONIX pro­cess). ICONIX is some­times wrongly asso­ci­ated with a “heavy” soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­cess such as the Ration­al Uni­fied Pro­cess (which I have hardly writ­ten about on my blog). The reas­on ICONIX is rarely used, is also that, unfor­tu­nately, the world was, already in the 1990s, heav­ily “spoiled” by C++ and Java (archi­tec­tures built on cas­cades of inher­it­ance). These are often heavy, mono­lith­ic frame­works based on a rela­tion­al data mod­el, where there is no strict sep­ar­a­tion between domain logic and envir­on­ment (MVC). Java is still one of the most costly and least effect­ive applic­a­tion devel­op­ment meth­ods. The EJB frame­work is to this day described as the source of an object-ori­ented design anti-pat­tern called the «anem­ic domain mod­el». How­ever, the grow­ing developer interest in the C4 mod­el over the last few years shows that ana­lys­is and mod­el­ling are needed and quietly enter­ing through the back door.…

Source: ICONIX jako obiek­to­wo zori­entow­any, zwinny pro­ces pro­jek­tow­ania opro­gramow­ania z uży­ciem not­acji UML – Jarosław Żeliński IT-Consulting

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