Business Documentation

Business Process Documentation

  1. Pre­serves Organ­iz­a­tion­al Know­ledge and Improves Consistency
  2. Ensures Com­pli­ance
  3. Improves Employ­ee Productivity
  4. Pre­pares Your Busi­ness for Mer­gers and Acquisitions

Information Technology Documentation

IT doc­u­ment­a­tion is any recor­ded inform­a­tion relat­ing to an IT infra­struc­ture and envir­on­ment. This doc­u­ment­a­tion can be used by the IT team to imple­ment the pro­cess, resolve known issues or share best practices.

Doc­u­ment­a­tion may be used by intern­al employ­ees such as IT tech­ni­cians or man­agers, or it may help extern­al parties such as cus­tom­ers, cli­ents or part­ners. IT doc­u­ment­a­tion makes import­ant inform­a­tion more access­ible and removes the require­ment for an employ­ee to intervene.

  1. Sys­tem Documentation
  2. Infra­struc­ture Documentation
  3. Sys­tem Integ­ra­tion and Imple­men­ted Busi­ness Logic Documentation
  4. Incid­ent Response Documentation

Target Operating Model (TOM)

A Tar­get Oper­at­ing Mod­el (TOM) enables the applic­a­tion of a cor­por­ate strategy or vis­ion to a busi­ness or oper­a­tion. It is a high-level rep­res­ent­a­tion of how an organ­isa­tion can best be organ­ised to deliv­er and execute the organ­isa­tion’s strategy more effi­ciently and effect­ively. It provides a com­mon under­stand­ing of the organ­isa­tion by allow­ing people to visu­al­ise the organ­isa­tion from a vari­ety of per­spect­ives across the value chain as each sig­ni­fic­ant ele­ment of busi­ness activ­ity is rep­res­en­ted. People, pro­cesses and tech­no­logy are the key com­pon­ents that under­pin any TOM and are crit­ic­al to its success.

Busi­ness pro­cesses and IT Doc­u­ment­a­tion Iden­ti­fies Who is Respons­ible for What


If you are inter­ested in devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing such doc­u­ment­a­tion for your organ­isa­tion, please con­tact me. I have over 20 years of exper­i­ence in busi­ness ana­lys­is and inform­a­tion sys­tems design. More details on page What I offer.