
How to draw it…

Occa­sion­ally, you get a prob­lem or ques­tion that stops you from con­tinu­ing your work. I receive many such ques­tions about how to pre­pare busi­ness doc­u­ment­a­tion. When writ­ing my stud­ies: 1. I take respons­ib­il­ity for my writ­ing, 2. I explain and cite sources, 3. I do not use argu­ments from author­ity. 4. Any­one who has pur­chased the study can ask ques­tions about its contents.

I answer some ques­tions in a way that does not solve the prob­lem but gives guid­ance for fur­ther work (e.g. the ques­tion “What should I read…”). 

The name and lan­guage of the descrip­tion is also the lan­guage in which it is made avail­able (nazwa i język opisu to także język w jakim jest to opra­cow­anie udostępnione)

Anal­iza Reg­u­laminu Usługi
Brief Anal­ityka Biznesowego
Why you should not use extend in use case mod­els and how to show it differently
Bib­li­oteka – anal­iza i pro­jekt systemu
Mod­e­low­anie struk­tury dokumentów
Dia­gramy Aktywności
Anal­iza Biznesowa
Pro­ces tworzenia złożo­nych dokumentów
How do you rep­res­ent this Single Sign-On (SSO) pic­ture using UML?
How to mod­el in BPMN the return to the main process
Which mod­els are made by the ana­lyst and which by the developer
Does it make sense to use UML in Domain Driv­en Design, how to do it
How to mod­el a double opt-in regis­tra­tion busi­ness pro­cess mod­el in BPMN?

Haven’t you found what you can­’t draw? Write to me:

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